
Now I'm Freeeee, Free Fallin' (Tom Petty style)

So why is it I can never get the pics and words to line up? You will have to forgive my technological ignorance. Just a smattering of pics from some waterfalls that one will find in the lovely country of Costa Rica. A short vid will be up shortly that shows most of these runs and a few others. As usual you will have to endure a bit of insanity before you get to see the boating. Hey, I need to release my creativity.

Hope you enjoy and be safe,

Dan Caldwell


Oregon Rafting Team (ORT) - Possible spring events.

ORT has been getting out running some rivers this winter in the Portland Oregon area.

We're stoked to be sporting WRSI helmets and some new Immersion Research drysuits both of which provide comfort and safety on our chilly descents. Aire rafts and Aquabound paddles insure that safe river running gear is always available.

Please keep an eye out/search the web for whitewater racing events, tentatively:
Wind River in late March,
American early April,
Upper Klamath 3rd weekend in April,
Cal Salmon 1st weekend in May,
Upper Clackamas/Canyon Creek middle of May,
Payette Boise River festival first weekend in June,
Wenatchee in mid June,

These events are mostly in the planning stages with a few exceptions, getcha popcorn ready! It's on in the spring---
Oregon Rafting Team


Logan Grayling and Johnson Falls --- check it out.

Most of us know by now that WRSI athelete Logan Grayling ran Johnson Falls this past spring in Banff National Park. Being the second person ever after Tao Berman to stomp this monster drop, it was made that cooler cause Logan's a local to the area. This run will be featured in the upcoming Banff Mountain Film Festival World Tour for 2008, as well as the much anticipated Young Gun Productions expected later this year. Here's the link to the video (thanks to Andrew Hardingham for the seggy): https://www.nau.com/homepage/index.jsp#/thecollective/yellow_boat__white_water