
Mathieu Coldebella-Mix Water Contest-France

Mix Water Contest
2nd and 3rd of June.

Text : Mathieu COLDEBELLA
Photographs : Gaël KERNIN

WRSI fench team (without Marc)

The Mix Water Contest is the only feeestyle kayak event in Paris. There are 4 spots on the white water park, each differents but both nice.
The contest happened in the first hole, a litle one but with a good retention.
Saturday we did the freestyle and funny boarder cross qualifications. Mathieu Dumoulin pass easily but i twas more difficult for me.
There was no party at nihgt so some people decided to ad-lib a parking meeting which keepon for a long time.
Sunday : - Quart of final : don’t remenber the results but Mat and me went to semi final.
- Semi final : 1st Mathieu Dumoulin, 2nd Mathieu Mathieu Coldebella.
- Final : 1st Romain Planchais, 2nd Mathieu Dumoulin, 3rd Mathieu Coldebella.

Mat Dumoulin going ultraclean

Mat Coldebella Airloop

Mat Dumoulin Power flip

Mat Coldebella Airsomething.

In fact, a pretty cool week end with graet friends, great sun, hot water and perfect helmets !!!!

Special Thanks to WRSI.

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