
Teva extrem outdoor games

I spend some time in Italian Alps around sesia river. I gone there with the pyrenees crew to compete Teva outddor games and to discover others rivers!

the first magic drop

our friend who is more crazy : Eric Deguil hurts two ribs and cannot compete. so Fabrice Poueyto, Maxime Mitaut, and me make up the "Pyrenees' buddies" team.

a boof

It was great to meet some good creek kayakers on theses rivers! the competition was interesting. it's the first time I compete in an event like that, it's great. there are a lot of race :
-Team race (7th pyrenees buddies)
-Down river
-Kayak cross

another boof

the final drop

The next time we'll try to spend more time. there a lot of rivers : we must come back!
special thanks to organizers!
hope to see you next year

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